Sunday, September 14, 2008

Rudy Giuliani on Sunday morning political show- Sex Ed. for K

I have to comment. I was watching Fox News Sunday or maybe another Sunday morning political show...not sure, I was flipping channels... but anyway they were interviewing Rudy Giuliani. They asked him about a negative campaign ad run by John McCain accusing Obama of sponsoring a bill to teach Kindergartners about sex. Giuliani defended McCain and seconded the accusation. I wanted to explode!!!! I have been teaching the HIV/AIDS curriculum for two years now to first graders and I have to say that it is NECESSARY!!!! WE DON'T TEACH KIDS ABOUT SEX AT ALL!!!! in the lower grades. It's all about germs and how germs enter the body. It also talks about different diseases including HIV and categorizes them as highly contagious, contagious, and not contagious, and how to keep your body safe (i.e. DON'T TOUCH ANYONE ELSE'S BLOOD). This is the type of education many children are NOT receiving at home. I have seen kids touching each other's bloody wounds and it always horrifies me that they don't know better. I make a point to show the children my latex gloves and to emphasize that we need to keep our bodies safe.


Unknown said...

Hi there. Came across your blog through Miss Brave's. I administer, the UFT's blog. We have a series called New Teacher Diaries, and since you're a 4-year teacher, you're still eligible to post. At the very least, we'd like to cross-post some of your writing. Please check out the blog and get back to me: wlevay AT uft DOT org.
Thanks, Bill

Ms. Peace said...

Hi Bill,

In the interest of staying anonymous, I'd prefer not to email you, but you can absolutely cross-post some of my writing. Thanks for your interest.