When I saw that preps were cancelled I wasn't that put out because I didn't even have a morning prep anyway, so I wasn't expecting anything. I figured the cluster teachers were probably having professional development or something and actually had a moment where I thought my administration did something smart, like schedule professional development at an appropriate time that wouldn't disrupt everyone. This was until my AIS person came at 9:30 (Don't get excited, it's the first time I've had an AIS person in all my five years, and I've only had her for a few weeks). She is a cluster teacher and she did her normal AIS routine with me. When it was time for her to leave, she asked if she should stay. "Don't you have PD?" I asked. "No," she replied. "I have nothing to do all morning." That's right, our cluster teachers got the morning off the day of parent teacher conferences when regular classroom teachers are the busiest. They didn't even have to cover lunch duty. How convenient for them. Needless to say I stared some of them down as I was bringing my student up from lunch and encountered them entering the building with fresh cups of coffee and food from the local deli. My AIS teacher ended up staying with me for 20 extra minutes and gave me some much needed time to get my assessment binder organized and the summary sheet completed before my conferences, but she didn't have to and none of the other cluster teachers did the same.
How Often Does Domestika Have Sales?
5 months ago
1 comment:
Yuck! I have been a cluster teacher, an AIS teacher and now a regular classroom teacher, and even when I was a cluster teacher I was fully aware that in some respects I had a MUCH easier job than classroom teachers. I always volunteered to help out wherever I could!
Why on earth would they cancel your preps for no reason? Maybe for the same reason my school unceremoniously kicked us out of the building from 3:30-5:30! Ah, NYC public schools...
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